

Armando Ponce de Leão Policarpo
Director do Museu de Física

Pject team

Carlos Fiolhais

Décio Ruivo Martins

Ermelinda Maria Ramos Antunes

Joaquim Ramos de Carvalho

Maria Conceição Espadinha Ruivo

Rui Ferreira Marques

Coordenation of Electronic Version of the Catalogue

Joaquim Ramos de Carvalho

Instituto de História e Teoria das Ideias

Electronic Version of the Catalogue

Carla Maria Jorge Santos

Paula Cristina Duarte Santo

Paula Cristina dos Santos Carvalho

Virtual reality objects and panoramas

Paulo Jorge Lopes de Moura

The exhibition Ingenuity and Art, as well as the volume with the same name, owe a lot to the exhibition and volume Les Méchanismes du Génie, being acknowledged the credits due to the Exhibition Commissioner, Luiz Alte da Veiga, and to the Adjoint Commissioner, Décio Ruivo Martins.