Angular level

52 x 49 x 17
Carved wood and engraved brass

INDEX 1788 : B.VI.123

Vectis ex orichalco, ex duobus brachiis compositus Gnomonis instar. circum axim libere vertitur, et arcus ponderosioris ope subtus cum ipso vecte conjuncti ponitur in aequilibrio; ad proprietates vectis angularis determinandas.

A brass lever composed of two arms resembling pointers. It turns freely around an axle and is maintained in equilibrium with the help of a heavier arc underneath joined to the lever. Used for determining the properties of the angul.

This apparatus consists of a brass lever with two unequal arms which together form a right angle. The arms have a series of holes. The smaller arm has eight equidistant holes, while the larger arm has ten. These holes are for the suspension of appropriately weighted bodies so as to maintain equilibrium. The relationship between these weights depends on the holes chosen in each of the arms, as well as the position of the arms in relation to a horizontal line.

The smaller arm of the lever extends over the fulcrum of the lever, intercepting a circular arc that passes through the interior of a groove in the supporting column of the lever.

From Colégio dos Nobres, catalogue n.º 115.

Musschenbroeck, Peter van, Introductio ad Philosophiam Naturalem, Leiden, 1762, § 436, Tab. IV, fig. 6.

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